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President's Message

Lori BrittinghamLori Brittingham, MSN RN CNS AACNS-N

In about 3 months, neonatal nurses from across the nation and beyond will convene for NANN’s 33rd Annual Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. This is the very first time NANN has traveled to New England, and we can’t wait to visit this historic city during the beautiful fall season. Each year we work diligently to offer new experiences and opportunities at conference, and 2017 is no exception. There is so much in store for you in Providence.

One of the most exciting additions is this year’s Bonus General Session: Transforming Care for Extremely Premature Babies. Marcus Davey, PhD, will share the latest on artificial womb research in what is sure to be a thought-provoking session. His fellow keynote speakers will present a compelling lineup of important topics: Joe Ty on building a culture of ownership; NANN Past-President Pam Spivey, MS APRN CCNS, on finding joy throughout your neonatal nursing journey; and Kelley French, with the emotional story of her daughter’s fight for life in the NICU.

NANN also is thrilled to partner with Kathi Salley Randall, MSN RN CNS NNP-BC, to offer a premier NeuroNICU Preconference. With Kathi’s expert guidance, attendees will gain the knowledge and inspiration required to transform bedside practice to protect and support vulnerable, developing brains and improve outcomes. We’re excited to present this riveting topic, identified in our recent member needs assessment survey as one of the most important educational topics for neonatal nurses.

There will be no shortage of fun at conference this year! We’re excited about the return of the Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception, jam-packed with industry-leading vendors and entertainment. Additionally, we’ll host a NANN Board of Directors and NANNP Council Meet & Greet for new attendees and members, we'll walk together in support of March of Dimes, and relax and recharge with sunrise yoga and meditation sessions. You’ll have the opportunity to deepen your peer connections throughout the week by participating in our new Conference Connections Buddy Program. Finally, NANN After Dark, our all-attendee celebration, returns again this year, and we can’t wait to see you there!

I’m very pleased to share that NANN has been invited to send a delegation to visit Vietnam in 2018! The NANN delegation will meet with our Vietnam counterparts to share knowledge about neonatal nursing practice and discuss the role of nurses and challenges in healthcare delivery in Vietnam. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about another country’s healthcare system while experiencing the richness of Vietnam culture. As the leader of NANN’s 2017 Cuba delegation, I truly am humbled to have the opportunity to lead the Vietnam delegation in March. Learn more and join our Vietnam delegation today.

Lastly, thank you to all who cast their vote in the annual election for candidates for the NANN Board of Directors and the NANNP Council. Your voice matters, and your vote impacts the future of your association. Thank you for your active participation!


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