National Association of Neonatal Nurses logo.

Chapter Management 

NANN is proud to partner with groups across the nation to bring resources and encouragement to growing professionals in the neonatal nursing field. NANN values the impact that Chapters have in their local communities, as Chapters provide neonatal nurses with a means of networking, a forum for educational programs, an arena to foster leadership qualities, and encouragement to new graduates to enter neonatal nursing.

Chapters receive so much value from the partnership with NANN! We equip chapters with tools for easy administration so they can meet the requirements to maintain our partnership. Learn more about chapter value, resources, and requirements.

Chapter Organization

Chapter Board of Directors 

The Chapter Board of Directors is responsible for supervising, controlling, and directing the affairs of the chapter. The Chapter Board selects the bank in which the chapters’ funds are deposited, manages and disburses those funds, develops and approves the annual budget, and complies with tax reporting requirements. 

This governing body is also expected to:

  • Authorize and monitor committees, review and evaluate projects.
  • Develop and monitor chapter policies and procedures.
  • Meet as often as needed, but at least twice per year.
  • Submit annual chapter charter renewal to national office.
  • Submit a list of new officers to national office within 30 days after an election.

Chapter Officers

Chapter Officers Chapters must minimally elect a President and a Secretary/ Treasurer. Alternatively, the chapter may decide to make Secretary and Treasurer two separate positions. It is strongly recommended that the chapter also elect a President-Elect to ensure that a President is in place for the next term. Learn more about the scope of responsibilities for each chapter officer.

Chapter Governance

The organizational structure your chapter members choose will determine which individuals are empowered to serve as leaders. Access NANN's suggested guidelines for hosting chapter board meetings, taking meeting minutes, and managing various committees.

Annual Report

The completion of your chapter’s 2024 Annual Report for 2025 Chapter Charter Renewal is due by May 15, 2025. Please fill in your chapter information on our report form.

The filing of your chapter’s 2024 990-N Tax Return is also due by May 15, 2025. Form 990-N is available online. You will be asked for your chapter's Employer Identification Number (EIN), chapter name, principal officer, address and additional information, some of which may or may not be applicable to your chapter. If your gross receipts are less than $50,000 please check that box when you file your 990-N online. Once your online filing is complete you will receive an email indicating that your 990-N was accepted by the IRS. Please forward that immediately to Natalie Glaid at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will add it to your chapter records. Please also be sure to keep a copy for your files. If your chapter's gross receipts are over $50,000 a paper tax return via Form 990 must be submitted to the IRS. This form can be printed from the IRS website. If a Form 990 is used for your chapter, please send a photocopy to the NANN National Office, Attn: Natalie Glaid, 1061 American Lane, Suite 310, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4973 for inclusion with your chapter records.

Policies and Procedures

Chapters of the NANN are authorized by and are accountable to the NANN Board of Directors. Chapters must be organized and operated in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the NANN Board of Directors. View the NANN Chapter Policies and Procedures.

Direct Deposit Authorization 

To participate in NANN's Direct Deposit program or to switch banks, please complete our Direct Deposit Authorization form

Managing Your Chapter's Finances

Chapter leadership has a responsibility to the members to maintain the fiscal integrity of the organization. Read more on chapter financial procedures, information on our tax-exempt status, and recommendations on preparing a budget.

Chapter Membership: Recruitment, Retention, and Tracking

The most traditional motivator for joining a professional association is to contribute one’s support to a common voice and mutually shared goals. Additionally, the importance of tangible benefits is another strong motivator. It is important to keep in mind as you assess your membership recruitment and retention strategies and work toward establishing a valuable member experience. Check out NANN's pro tips on recruitment, retention, and tracking of chapter membership.

Chapter Education

Professional growth is a key value of chapter membership. Providing educational opportunities for your members will sustain your chapter and contribute significantly to the field of neonatal nursing.

Programming Ideas

  • Plan for at least one yearly all day symposium with continuing education credit.
  • Be creative in planning meetings (holiday parties, non-nursing speakers, lawyer, financial planner, beauty makeovers, car mechanics, etc)
  • Offer a 60 minute (6 ten minute slots) for exhibitors to show their wares... "What's New in Technology" and charge them to be there and present (or at least pay for refreshments)
  • Locate people in your area that presented at the annual conference: Presentations are already prepared, and they’re familiar with the organization.
  • Update your CEU application forms.

Chapter Communications

Communicating with your chapter is key to delivering value and building community. There are several ways to engage and connect with your members using various communication tools.