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Professional Development Products

NANN's Professional Development products support the novice nurse, nurses in orientation, and nurse mentors and mentees.

Competencies & Orientation Toolkit for Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, 2nd Edition

This toolkit aims to establish consistent expectations concerning competencies for NNPs at varying levels and to provide a method of evaluating competence in order to assure the public that the NNP possesses the knowledge, skill, and clinical judgment required for providing safe, effective care.

Precepting the Advanced Practice Nurse: From Expert RN to Novice NNP

Precepting the Advanced Practice Nurse is an immediate access, downloadable and invaluable guide for those engaged in precepting neonatal nurse practitioners. It discusses current theories and published evidence on the teaching and learning experience and offers practical examples and tools that will enhance the quality of preceptorships for both preceptor and preceptee.

Policies, Procedures, and Competencies for Neonatal Nursing Care, 6th Edition

NANN18 CoverOrange sm Policies, procedures, and competencies are the foundation of patient care and drive nursing practice. This sixth edition helps advance an organization's commitment to evidence-based nursing and provides a strong support to neonatal nurses and neonatal nurse practitioners as they seek to give the highest quality of care to their vulnerable patients.

Certification Resources

Certification and Core Review for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, 5th Edition

Certification and Core Review 5th imageBased on the latest test plans of the AACN's CCRN®-Neonatal exam and the NCC's Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (RNC-NIC) exam, review questions cover the changes to the Core Curriculum and reflect the latest evidence, essential knowledge, and best practices. New to this edition are three new chapters and 225 completely new review questions. This powerful study tool offers unparalleled preparation for your certification exam!

Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, 6th Ed

Core Curriculum Book CoverThis publication provides in-depth coverage of common neonatal disorders and management and highlights the essentials of each condition including definition, etiology, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatments, and outcomes.