NANN Membership Makes a Difference in the NICU
Whether you’re a nurse manager, Magnet coordinator, or healthcare administrator, having National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) members on your NICU team makes a difference for your patients, families, neonatal nursing staff, and your hospital.
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Employers Benefit from NANN Membership 
Supporting professional membership for your NICU nurses can help you:
- Achieve or renew Magnet status
- Differentiate your institution at a time when excellence is forefront in the minds of the public
- Provide accredited training and education for your staff at a discounted price
- Support neonatal nurses in providing the highest quality of care and improving outcomes to their vulnerable patients through access to NANN resources
Patients Benefit from NANN Membership
Having NANN member nurses in your NICU assures patients:
- Are cared for by nurses dedicated to professional excellence and promoting optimal patient care
- Have access to nurses part of a respected, standard-bearing professional organization and collaborative network of experts and leaders in the field
- Receive free family education resources to help them navigate their NICU experience and care of their newborn
Nurses Grow with NANN Membership
NANN membership offers many professional and personal rewards. NANN membership provides:
- Enhanced professional credibility
- Leadership and volunteer opportunities
- A voice in forums where evidence-based practice standards are discussed and defined
- Influence in advocating for neonatal nursing practice regulation and policy and the health of neonates and their families
- Connections to a diverse group of peers
- Continuing professional development and access to clinical and professional resources
NANN is the only non-profit neonatal nursing organization that exists soley to support the professional needs of neonatal nurses throughout their careers.
Group memberships available:
3 to 9 new members save $10 each
10+ new members save $20 each
Visit for more information today!