Board Update
Taryn Edwards, MSN APRN NNP-BC
NANN President
Happy fall from the NANN Board of Directors! As the new president of NANN, I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and obtained my BSN degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 2004. I joined NANN as a nursing student and quickly became involved in my local chapter. Through my chapter, I served as newsletter editor and President. In 2010, I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with an MSN degree and began practicing as a neonatal nurse practitioner. I have served on the NANN Board of Directors from 2015-2019 and the NANN-AP Council from 2019-2023. In 2023, I was elected as President and have learned so much from my fellow board members, Immediate Past President Rachael Zastrow, and NANN staff over this past year. I am truly honored to help lead this exceptional association and continue to advance neonatal nursing science.
If you did not have the opportunity to join us at our 40th Annual Conference and business meeting, I would like to again thank Rachael for her service and dedication to our association. Rachael led the association through strategic realignment, paved the way to NANN welcoming more members of the neonatal health care team, ensured we became more inclusive, welcoming, and diverse, and strategically positioned NANN as the premier advocate and champion for neonatal nurses, patients, and families. It has been an honor to serve alongside her, and I look forward to continuing to collaborate closely with her in the upcoming year.
NANN continues to make progress to ensure that education is accessible to all. We understand that it may be difficult to get away and join us in person, so we continue to offer exclusive on-demand sessions. Online registration will remain open for the on-demand conference until November 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM CDT. Attendees will have on-demand access and the ability to claim CE through December 31, 2024. Thank you to Adrienne Isaacs, the Annual Conference Committee, and the NANN staff for their dedication and commitment to making this conference an engaging and fun experience.
Whether you joined us virtually or in person this year, we look forward to seeing you next year in Palm Springs, CA. Please mark your calendars for September 9-12, 2025, for another invigorating and energizing NANN conference. The Board of Directors looks forward to seeing you all there!
For 40 years, NANN has supported its members and the neonatal nursing community by shaping nursing practice, education, research, advocacy, and professional development. I encourage each of you to share your NANN experiences with a friend and/or colleague. Have them join in on the fun, excitement, and learning with us! As the holiday season approaches quickly, I am deeply grateful for your dedication and commitment to our profession and NANN.
Wishing you all a joyous holiday season!