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NANN's Neonatal News e-newsletter offers subscribers a weekly summary of professional news, trends, and updates. Opt in to have the latest news in neonatal nursing sent directly to your inbox each week. Read top recent stories:
- Primary language of mothers linked to continued breastfeeding during NICU hospitalization
Researchers at the School and Boston Medical Center examined the association of maternal race/ethnicity and language with any and exclusive mother’s milk given to infants at NICU discharge. They also studied the time to cessation of mother’s milk during the course of the NICU hospitalization among racial/ethnic and language groups. They found maternal primary language was associated with breastfeeding continuation over the course of the NICU hospitalization. - Few NICUs Regularly Screen for Social Determinants of Health
Fewer than one in four U.S. neonatal care units (NICUs) conducts standardized screening for social determinants of health (SDH), according to a study published in the December issue of Hospital Pediatrics. - Increased risk of bradycardia in vigorous infants receiving early as compared to delayed cord clamping at birth
During the first minutes after birth, two key physiological events—aeration of the newborn lungs and umbilical cord clamping—impact the successful transition of neonates from the intra-uterine to extra-uterine environment.
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