National Association of Neonatal Nurses logo.

Annual Renewal of Chapter Charter

The completion of your chapter’s 2017 Annual Report for 2017 Chapter Charter Renewal is due by May 15, 2018. Please fill in your chapter information below.

The filing of your chapter’s 2017 990-N Tax Return is also due by May 15, 2018. Form 990-N is available online. You will be asked for your chapter's Employer Identification Number (EIN), chapter name, principal officer, address and additional information, some of which may or may not be applicable to your chapter.

If your gross receipts are less than $50,000 please check that box when you file your 990-N online. Once your online filing is complete you will receive an email indicating that your 990-N was accepted by the IRS. Please forward that immediately to Brendan Sugrue at and we will add it to your chapter records. Please also be sure to keep a copy for your files. If your chapter's gross receipts are over $50,000 a paper tax return via Form 990 must be submitted to the IRS. This form can be printed from the IRS website. If a Form 990 is used for your chapter, please send a photocopy to the NANN National Office, Attn: Brendan Sugrue, 8735 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60631 for inclusion with your chapter records.

Please enter your chapter's name.

Please enter your chapter's acronym.

Please enter the states within your chapter.

Please enter your chapter's street address or PO Box.

Please enter your chapter's city.

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Please enter your chapter's zip code.

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Please enter your chapter's Tax ID Number (EIN).

Please enter your chapter's gross revenue received between Jan. 1, 2014 - Dec. 31, 2015.

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Please enter the zip code ranges for your chapter.

Please enter the number of business meetings held in 2014.

Please enter the number of educational meetings held in 2014.

Please list the names, dates, and brief descriptions of your meetings. At least two meetings are required every calendar year.

Please enter the current number of chapter members.

Please upload your current chapter bylaws with changes highlighted. File types .doc, .docx, or .pdf only.

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Please enter the Chapter President's first name.

Please enter the Chapter President's last name.

Please enter the Chapter President's email address.

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Please enter the name of the person completing this report.

Please enter the email address of the person completing this report.

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